Friday, February 5, 2010

Rock it don't stop it.

I keep thinking Zartan is my all time favorite Hardstuff song.  Then I hear Max, then Mo Nore then Lobot and oh my god.  Spend some time away from these songs and they really do sound rockin.

And speaking of, our housemate Erika is going to be helping out with mastering...tonight!    She's certified in Logic and knows way more about audio engineering than I do.  We made a date for this evening around 7 to go over Prepare to Scream.  All the tracks are there and it needs the most help sonically in my opinion.  I'd love to drop a fat 808 in there when the lyrics start.

Tonight I'm going to finish recording the bass for RFBG.  I've been practicing and think I got it down.  Then lyrics hopefully tonight as well.  I have Shay's vocals from like 2 years ago and hopefully Mike, Don and I can pump it out tonight.

Don and I threw the old Wurlitzer organ out of the studio, rearranged a bunch of shit and set up his electric set to work with his old G4 tower.  I'm thinking about taking the TV out, hiding that trunk somewhere and getting a bookshelf.  But the playstation certainly came in handy for when we were recording so maybe until we're done with this album I'll leave it in.

Come spring I'm throwing a lot of crap out and hopefully building storage outside of the studio.

With the extra space we'll be able to spread out more...or store more instruments that aren't being used.

Hey Shay, last I checked, there was no space left on the FTP.  Or very little.  Let me know how I can help with that.  I think it's important to have an archive of our material backed up.  If this costs money, maybe I can figure something else out.

So hopefully by monday we'll have a new song up and Prep to Scream will be shiny and pumping. 

Erika's got a good ear, she's certified in Logic and loves rockin music.  She's got a pretty nice singing voice too so we're going to try getting her to sing "hit me with your best Shot" in like a club remix.  I'm joking, but you never know!  With this update I'd like to invite her on the team as she will be working closely with our music helping to polish it up for release...for as long as she can stand it.  So all you guys say "Howdy Erika"!

Have a fantastic fucking weekend.

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