Friday, February 12, 2010

Finishinzez the album

We have some decisions to make.  There's a few songs that need finishing...or not.  We could cut it to the original set list and start working on the final mastering and CD innards or we can keep going and put these suckers on there:

Baby Nolte
Calabos Blues

At this time, I'm thinking two things.

1) We've gone this far, lets finish em all up!
2) Lets cut it and get the fucking album out!

I propose a compromise.

Erika spent some time adjusting EQ and frequency settings on Prep2Scream with me the other night.  Mainly I sat and watched her adjusting and cutting unneeded frequencies out of tracks to make sonic room for other instrumetns to shine unclogging the muddiness of the song.  Aint done yet, but hopefully I'll be able to create some preset based on her adjustments that could speed the process up.

So this may take some time to get through all the songs.  While she and I go through them, maybe we could finish up another song or 2.  I'm guessing Louda! is a good one that I can get the bass done on.  Vocals, I'm not sure.  Also Heavy Horizon needs a bass or keys or to take the main guitar track, double it and pitch the new track down to bass levels thus complimenting the guitar and adding low end.

There's plenty to do and I could go on and on and on adding shit to this album, but I'm thinking I want to put something out this fucking year.

Lets concentrate on a limited set of songs for the first album.  This is sort of the order I'm thinking in the compromise for "scifight":

Automatauntaun (instrumental)
Prepare To Scream
Chewie Got Shotgun
Smoke in California
The Pirate song
Sexy Fly
Mo Nore Nilk Mow
2 Face Mofo
Still in Maxamillian
The Hulk
Real Fat Bald Guy
Heavy Horizon

I'm going to start working on CD art for the cover and collaborating with Shay and Mike about credits, lyrics and thanks and whatever else we want to put in there.

My main feeling is, lets keep it simple(ish) and get it out.  I want to have a release party THIS year.  Preferably summer.  I think we (Shay, Mike and Me) should agree on a temporary new release date so Shay can get an idea of when he might be able to come out here.  This will help push us (me) into getting it done.  Then I'm much needing to move on to other projects and be free of this "chapter".


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